Installation _just_went­_away within the international project At the Front Line. Ukrainian art

The installation, which is based on the documentation of the performance _just_went_away by Olia Mykhailiuk, has become part of the large project At the Front Line. Ukrainian Art/La línea del frente. El arte ucraniano. The exposition explores how modern artists interpret and comprehend the turbulent political and cultural situation in Ukraine during the last 6 years since the beginning of Maidan protests. The project started in Mexico City, having become the first large-scale presentation of the contemporary Ukrainian art scene in Latin America. The project has now moved to Canada to the Ukrainian cultural and educational center Oseredok in Winnipeg.

The perception of the exposition in Canada is different compared to Mexico. Among the visitors, there are many immigrants of the second and third generations who are interested in what is going on in Ukraine and, hence, they have their own view of the present day events from the perspective of Ukrainian history.
The exposition curators Anna Deikun and Svetlana Bedareva